Being an Atheist does not entail going to meetings where we talk about how to destroy religion and bring back the devil. We, unlike Theists, just look at scientific fact. We think, why would anybody worship something that simply cannot be proven? Science has many theories which haven't yet been 100 percent proven, but the people behind that theory have spent a significant amount of time putting together math equations, and other proven methods to come to the conclusion they have made.
Take for example a black hole, it cannot be physically seen, yet we know for a fact they exist. We know there have been math equations behind this and every single astronomer agrees that they are out there. We have one in the center of our galaxy. The point I am making is that we believe in fact, not a big man in the sky who cannot be proved to exist.
Every time I get into an argument with somebody, more often than not, I am told that people like me are trying to bring the devil to Earth and end all humanity. Some just say that Atheists are demons disguised as humans and that we are here to cause destruction. Okay, let's all take a nice long look at this for a minute. Let us all, as Atheists, think about what you just read. How scared and feeble minded must these people be? Their religion has completely brainwashed them into being petrified every day of their lives. What way of life is that?
To me, there is no difference between good and evil. Everyone has their own perspective on what those two words mean; except for the Theists. Anybody who disagrees with their faith is automatically deemed evil. What kind of being, who claims to be all loving, would deem a group of people to be evil because of what they believe?
If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times; We will not change because you think you just gave us a way to be saved from eternal hell. I frankly, do not care if you tell me when I die, that I am going to burn in hell for the rest of spiritual existence. Until there is a way to scientifically prove that hell is underneath our feet, I will continue to drink, curse, have sex without being married and whatever else I would like to do. We only have one life and we need to live it to the fullest.
For someone to tell me that a "miracle" has happened to them because they have prayed to "god", I will try to prove them wrong. I have heard this so many times, it is a joke to me. When a "miracle" happens, it is not an act of "god" and we will never believe that. Please do not tell me Little Jimmy is able to walk again because god has cured him overnight. Little Jimmy is able to walk again because of all the treatment he has undergone at the specialists he regularly visits. I will never believe in miracles.
The only time I will ever get on my knees, is if my job requires it. There is no way I'm kneeling beside my bed every night to beg to the "almighty" for forgiveness. That's a very cowardice thing to do, and to think people actually believe this works, is insane. I am bewildered by people who pray, but even more so with the people who pray after someone passes away. We all are human, which means we are horrible to each other almost everyday. If someone passes away right now and your last words to them were, "I hate you", or "Leave me alone", you would go to their funeral and feel horrible about it. You would want to bring the person back to life and apologize. The Theists, on the other hand, would go to the service and pray over their body and say how much they liked that person. They would hold up their heads and act as if nothing bad had been said before the person passed. You might be wondering, "Why would you say that? I might not like Theists but that's just not true!" Except, it is true. You see, they are terrified of their god, they will not pray, but hope that god didn't realize their last altercation.
People often wonder, if atheists do not pray, how do they come to terms with what they have done wrong? Well, that's really simple to answer, we take responsibility for our own actions. We realize the faults in ourselves and we try to not make the same mistakes again. If we do make those mistakes again, oops! We are human, we mess up, we make mistakes, but we still make it through the day and wake up the next morning.
Final Thoughts
So now, if people other than us atheists, have read this blog, hopefully they will better understand that we are people just like everybody else. We are people who are self sufficient and self made. We do everything you do, we just do not bow down to some cloud in the sky. We go off of scientific proof about our existence. We will not, and we will never change to your religion. If you would never convert to atheism, don't expect to even think for a minute, that we would convert to your fairy tale. That's all I have for today, thank you all for reading my blog. I will see you all in the next one 😊
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