Friday, March 10, 2017

Choosing Faith Over Modern Medicine??

Disease and Loss

If you're like me, either you yourself, or someone you know has past away due to some kind of disease. In that moment you cried, became angry, or maybe even wanted to end your own life. It is always tough losing someone, but let me ask you, did that person ever go see a doctor for that disease? Did they just sit around with pain in their colon without consulting medical professionals? Of course they went to see a doctor! Everybody who feels pain wants to know what's wrong with them. Today I will be discussing the people who do not follow through with treatment and ask the "All Mighty" to be healed. Not only is this irresponsible towards the person suffering, but also toward their family.

Magical Paralysis Cure

Anybody who watches late night television, they see all the channels that have preachers spreading their false propaganda. I saw one night, while going through the channels, a priest curing a guys legs. The guy had been paralyzed since birth. The priest had this "paralyzed" man sit in front of this huge, probably paid audience, and said prayers over him. The priest touched this man's head, arms, legs and feet with the Bible while praying. 
During all of this his extremities began twitching the faintest bit and the people in the audience were going crazy shouting, "Praise God! He performs miracles!". As the prayers came to an end, the man jumped out of his wheel chair and was magically able to walk. I couldn't have been more disgusted to see that people actually want to push prayer so bad, that they discredit modern medicine on public air!

Why Are There Third-World Diseases?

If there is anything that Theists love more than their own religion, it's telling people to pray for third-world countries. To help heal those people in Haiti all you have to do is pray. This has been one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard from theists. Let's take Ebola for example, when it was brought back from Africa to the U.S., not many people were affected, but the ones who were, were very ill. Many of them died. Those people who died, were accompanied "spiritually" by a whole world full of prayers. Obviously, that didn't work, and people still constantly choose prayer instead of donating time and money to actually figure out the disease and how to stop it.

Terrible Cancer

Cancer is an, excuse my language, asshole. Cancer touched, and took away many family members of mine. Even though it was very sad, never once did I ask God to heal them. I asked doctors what would be the best way to efficiently treat the tumors. Doctors are so often ignored by religious people because they believe that God is the one who did the "heavy lifting".
Cancer is something that should NEVER go professionally untreated, unless said so by a doctor. I currently have an Uncle who is suffering from Prostate Cancer. Some members of my family are sitting by telling him to not go to treatment because God will take care of him. He was advised by doctors that he needs treatment, yet people want him to stop his Chemotherapy. It is terrible to think that people are so blindsided by religion that they discredit medical professionals.  
This kind of thinking needs to stop. So many more lives would be saved if people gave up on thinking some magical being is going to heal them. Please, if any theists are reading this, please do not keep this up. Let the professionals do their jobs, do not let your stubborn ways hurt your kids. That's all for today, I will see you all in my next blog 😊


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