Saturday, March 18, 2017



Atheism is the mindset that no deities exists and we have to believe in ourselves to get things done. We do not believe in a Heaven, we do not believe in a Hell. We are self sufficient and like taking responsibility for our actions. We do not put the blame on some unseen demonic force or forces. 


I read "The Satanic Bible" by Anton Szandor LaVey and I honestly didn't see any actual difference between Atheism and Satanism, except that they are more violent people. The one rule they follow is, "Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other!; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law!". I mean, obviously, there are atheists that feel this way too, but this is an act straight from anger. From what I can tell, these Satanists, they are more of an "eye for an eye" type of group. So, as I was reading this book/bible, I ended up starting to agree with some of their thinking. Satanists actually believe that you yourself is "God". How great is that! Then I got toward of the end book and let's just say... it got "different".


I was starting to think they were actually Atheists that just titled themselves Satanists to aggravate Theists! I continued reading and about around page 46, the book started talking about performing rituals. Actual witchcraft, let's just say that I became very upset with Mr. LaVey. He did a 180 degree spin from talking about being your own "god" and believing in only yourself and other people, to performing "Magick". I was blown away with the anger behind all of these rituals he mentions. It involves burning things and literal screaming and yelling. In a way, he makes it seem like violence is okay when performing a ritual and then a paragraph later he says that you should commit violence; I'm not exactly sure what he was trying to accomplish.


I think what I can take away from this book/bible, is that he was mad at the world one day and decided to create some "religion" to amplify his feelings towards whoever he was mad at. I didn't know what to think after reading this and tried getting in touch with The Church of Satan. I tried getting a phone number and was ignored. I tried getting in touch with various social media they are on and I was ignored. I received an email back saying to read the FAQ on their website or read their book, which I had both done and none of my questions were answered. I wanted to set up a phone interview but nobody from the organization would give me the time of day. 


In the beginning I wanted to believe that Satanists were the same as Atheists, but towards the end I quickly realized we are nowhere near the same. They still believe in an actually deity, and they still hold services with someone in charge. I don't understand what Anton LaVey was trying to accomplish when he started this "religion", but somehow he got people to worship the "devil" in his own hypocritical way. Religion is a waste of time and it needs to stop brainwashing people. That's all I have for you all today, I will see you all tomorrow 😊


Monday, March 13, 2017

Understanding Atheism!


Being an Atheist does not entail going to meetings where we talk about how to destroy religion and bring back the devil. We, unlike Theists, just look at scientific fact. We think, why would anybody worship something that simply cannot be proven? Science has many theories which haven't yet been 100 percent proven, but the people behind that theory have spent a significant amount of time putting together math equations, and other proven methods to come to the conclusion they have made.
Take for example a black hole, it cannot be physically seen, yet we know for a fact they exist. We know there have been math equations behind this and every single astronomer agrees that they are out there. We have one in the center of our galaxy. The point I am making is that we believe in fact, not a big man in the sky who cannot be proved to exist.


Every time I get into an argument with somebody, more often than not, I am told that people like me are trying to bring the devil to Earth and end all humanity. Some just say that Atheists are demons disguised as humans and that we are here to cause destruction. Okay, let's all take a nice long look at this for a minute. Let us all, as Atheists, think about what you just read. How scared and feeble minded must these people be? Their religion has completely brainwashed them into being petrified every day of their lives. What way of life is that? 
To me, there is no difference between good and evil. Everyone has their own perspective on what those two words mean; except for the Theists. Anybody who disagrees with their faith is automatically deemed evil. What kind of being, who claims to be all loving, would deem a group of people to be evil because of what they believe?


If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times; We will not change because you think you just gave us a way to be saved from eternal hell. I frankly, do not care if you tell me when I die, that I am going to burn in hell for the rest of spiritual existence. Until there is a way to scientifically prove that hell is underneath our feet, I will continue to drink, curse, have sex without being married and whatever else I would like to do. We only have one life and we need to live it to the fullest. 
For someone to tell me that a "miracle" has happened to them because they have prayed to "god", I will try to prove them wrong. I have heard this so many times, it is a joke to me. When a "miracle" happens, it is not an act of "god" and we will never believe that. Please do not tell me Little Jimmy is able to walk again because god has cured him overnight. Little Jimmy is able to walk again because of all the treatment he has undergone at the specialists he regularly visits. I will never believe in miracles.


The only time I will ever get on my knees, is if my job requires it. There is no way I'm kneeling beside my bed every night to beg to the "almighty" for forgiveness. That's a very cowardice thing to do, and to think people actually believe this works, is insane. I am bewildered by people who pray, but even more so with the people who pray after someone passes away. We all are human, which means we are horrible to each other almost everyday. If someone passes away right now and your last words to them were, "I hate you", or "Leave me alone", you would go to their funeral and feel horrible about it. You would want to bring the person back to life and apologize. The Theists, on the other hand, would go to the service and pray over their body and say how much they liked that person. They would hold up their heads and act as if nothing bad had been said before the person passed. You might be wondering, "Why would you say that? I might not like Theists but that's just not true!" Except, it is true. You see, they are terrified of their god, they will not pray, but hope that god didn't realize their last altercation.
People often wonder, if atheists do not pray, how do they come to terms with what they have done wrong? Well, that's really simple to answer, we take responsibility for our own actions. We realize the faults in ourselves and we try to not make the same mistakes again. If we do make those mistakes again, oops! We are human, we mess up, we make mistakes, but we still make it through the day and wake up the next morning. 

Final Thoughts

So now, if people other than us atheists, have read this blog, hopefully they will better understand that we are people just like everybody else. We are people who are self sufficient and self made. We do everything you do, we just do not bow down to some cloud in the sky. We go off of scientific proof about our existence. We will not, and we will never change to your religion. If you would never convert to atheism, don't expect to even think for a minute, that we would convert to your fairy tale. That's all I have for today, thank you all for reading my blog. I will see you all in the next one 😊


Saturday, March 11, 2017

Somebody Keeps Trolling Us!!!

Let's Talk

Today I decided I would step off of my "high horse". I would like to just simply address the naysayers. Specifically one in particular, I will call him Joe. Joe is a Christian, he does not take kindly to Atheists. He constantly is on Google+ putting down multiple Atheist pages, solely on the fact that he wants to be arrogant. I have tried to talk to him but it's like talking to a bar of soap. Today I have found out some very funny information about Joe. He is a convicted sex offender in Florida. Somebody exposed him and he had nothing else to say. As far as I saw, he remained quiet after that. After I found out this information I definitely let him know how disgusting he was. Maybe this is considered in ill taste by some, but after going back and forth in the comment section I couldn't take it anymore.

The Post

The post was from Atheist Republic on Google+. The picture here actually taught me something. I honestly didn't know this was from the bible. I went and looked it up on different sources, because I couldn't actually believe something like this is taught to children. Joe decided that he would open his mouth to defend the bible verse. I was so shocked, that I couldn't sit by and let him condone this nastiness. I told him that it was disgusting that he would even think of condoning this behavior and let this be taught to kids. We went back and forth for a little bit exchanging... not so nice words, to say the least. Then, another guy who I want to thank very much, chimed in and let me know some very interesting information.

The Shocker

As Joe and I were arguing back and forth about this filthy and disgraceful bible verse, a man who I will call Antonio, told me some very crucial information about Mr. Joe. Apparently, Christian Joe, is a child sex offender who lives in Florida. He is also on Twitter as a different name, but I will not get into that as to avoid a possible lawsuit. So, here we have Joe, a child sex offender, condoning this type of behavior. It all started to make sense to me. Even after being called a sex offender, he never denied it, he just asked where the information was found. Now, at this point Joe was undoubtedly afraid of Atheist Antonio. Joe stopped responding and commenting on the post after he was found out, as far as my knowledge is concerned. 

Google+ Profile

On Mr. Joe's Google+ Profile he is all about serving the Lord. He wants to make the world a better place with prayer and love, most likely ILLEGAL love, but I don't want to assume. He talks about how God changed his life for the better, how now he is a different person through prayer. Although, if he was so different from what he used to be, then why is he still condoning these horrible and disgusting acts? 

Word of Advice

Listen, the reason for my blog today is a little different than my last couple, but I could not let Joe get away with condoning this filthy behavior. When all was said and done, he retreated back into his dark hole of disgust and filth. I am honestly still sickened by this man. I want to thank Antonio for letting us all know, Joe is a convicted sex offender. I would release his name, but I do not want to get into any legal trouble. Especially, if people read this and decide to take action in the name of Jay Swiss. But, I'm sure with a little digging the more technologically advanced readers could find him anyway, but at least I didn't give away his personal information.

To Wrap Up

I want to stress that anybody could be a disgusting pig, like Joe, not just Atheists. I wonder how these Christians will now feel about this guy after reading this and that comment section? I'm sure they'll still foolishly support the fact that he is a "Born Again" Christian, but I will NOT idly stand by and let this guy; no not guy, this horrible and disgusting pig, get away with condoning these acts. Anyway, that's all for today, I will see you all in the next one. Thank you all for reading 😊


Friday, March 10, 2017

Choosing Faith Over Modern Medicine??

Disease and Loss

If you're like me, either you yourself, or someone you know has past away due to some kind of disease. In that moment you cried, became angry, or maybe even wanted to end your own life. It is always tough losing someone, but let me ask you, did that person ever go see a doctor for that disease? Did they just sit around with pain in their colon without consulting medical professionals? Of course they went to see a doctor! Everybody who feels pain wants to know what's wrong with them. Today I will be discussing the people who do not follow through with treatment and ask the "All Mighty" to be healed. Not only is this irresponsible towards the person suffering, but also toward their family.

Magical Paralysis Cure

Anybody who watches late night television, they see all the channels that have preachers spreading their false propaganda. I saw one night, while going through the channels, a priest curing a guys legs. The guy had been paralyzed since birth. The priest had this "paralyzed" man sit in front of this huge, probably paid audience, and said prayers over him. The priest touched this man's head, arms, legs and feet with the Bible while praying. 
During all of this his extremities began twitching the faintest bit and the people in the audience were going crazy shouting, "Praise God! He performs miracles!". As the prayers came to an end, the man jumped out of his wheel chair and was magically able to walk. I couldn't have been more disgusted to see that people actually want to push prayer so bad, that they discredit modern medicine on public air!

Why Are There Third-World Diseases?

If there is anything that Theists love more than their own religion, it's telling people to pray for third-world countries. To help heal those people in Haiti all you have to do is pray. This has been one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard from theists. Let's take Ebola for example, when it was brought back from Africa to the U.S., not many people were affected, but the ones who were, were very ill. Many of them died. Those people who died, were accompanied "spiritually" by a whole world full of prayers. Obviously, that didn't work, and people still constantly choose prayer instead of donating time and money to actually figure out the disease and how to stop it.

Terrible Cancer

Cancer is an, excuse my language, asshole. Cancer touched, and took away many family members of mine. Even though it was very sad, never once did I ask God to heal them. I asked doctors what would be the best way to efficiently treat the tumors. Doctors are so often ignored by religious people because they believe that God is the one who did the "heavy lifting".
Cancer is something that should NEVER go professionally untreated, unless said so by a doctor. I currently have an Uncle who is suffering from Prostate Cancer. Some members of my family are sitting by telling him to not go to treatment because God will take care of him. He was advised by doctors that he needs treatment, yet people want him to stop his Chemotherapy. It is terrible to think that people are so blindsided by religion that they discredit medical professionals.  
This kind of thinking needs to stop. So many more lives would be saved if people gave up on thinking some magical being is going to heal them. Please, if any theists are reading this, please do not keep this up. Let the professionals do their jobs, do not let your stubborn ways hurt your kids. That's all for today, I will see you all in my next blog 😊


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Killed A Man? Go Repent!

Today I really felt the need to express something that doesn't sit right with me. Theists believe that as long they pray to their God, no matter what they did, they will be forgiven and accepted into an everlasting happy afterlife. This implies that murder is bad, but that it is also okay at the same time. In a way, this is subliminally telling children that it is perfectly normal to murder, just as long as they ask for forgiveness after. Yes, I know a lot people that have read up to this point are saying, "Jay, this is horribly inaccurate! I know many theists who have never committed murder because they could just ask for forgiveness!". I would tell you this is completely true and that you are 100 percent correct, not everybody commits murder. But other people commit theft, fraud, and many other illegal acts, just because they could pray the sins away. 


This needs to STOP! We, as the same people, need to come together and take responsibility for our wrong doings. People who steal things from stores and feel guilty about it, will right away get down on their knees and pray for forgiveness. THIS DOESN'T WORK! YOU are the one who stole, YOU are the one who did the illegal act! If you never take action for what you did, you will never learn from the situation. Belief is a drug; it is an addiction. People who believe in Jesus or whichever other deity, are the same as heroin addicts. They NEED to talk to God in order to not feel guilty about stealing. They then feel as though they have been accepted back into the Pearly Gates. So what happens next? They go out the next day and the day after that, until they get caught by law enforcement. This is a HORRIBLE message for children and their parents should be ashamed that they are raising kids this way.


I was out today, and I had a very eye opening conversation with a very devout Christian man. He told me that no matter how bad life may seem, you can always have God to comfort you. When I told him I didn't believe in God he stepped back, lowered his head and shook it. He then looked back at me and asked, "How do you expect to go to Heaven if you don't believe in God? How do you plan to wash away your sins?" I told him, "I do not have any 'sins'. Yes, I have made bad choices in my life, but I do not regret them. I realized that those mistakes have made me a better person today. I accept my bad past doings." At this point the man still wasn't satisfied, he wanted to know why I wouldn't just try to pray. I explained to him that as long a person takes responsibility for what they have done, good or bad, they are a better person for that. He told me that if I never repent I will be going to Hell. This conversation went on for at least 20 minutes and I walked away out of frustration. He couldn't live in the real world for ten seconds and see how we, as Atheist's, think.


What this thinking all comes down to is being irresponsible. Think about people who claim they aren't able to keep a job and can't make any money. They are one of the first to talk about how Jesus is going to help them one day. They just need to wait on a miracle. It almost seems like they don't want to put work in for themselves, and that is exactly what they are doing! They would rather have an imaginary, and invisible being run their lives for them, and that is very sad and lazy. If these people would take initiative to build their own success, they would be very far ahead in life. 


My main message to take away from this, is that we Atheists, know that no invisible man/woman in the sky is going to help us. We have to deal with what is in front of us. Whether that means it is a good situation or a bad one, we are responsible for it. We as a community need to realize that, since the Theists won't. I thank you guys for reading and I'll see you all in the next one 🙂


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Churches Are SCAMS!!

You see my burning money image. That's because of today's topic; how Churches are scams. Going to Church is all fine and dandy, but the leaders of the Church are wrong for asking for money. People will do anything to make themselves feel better about themselves, including believing and following, some religion that regularly asks for money. I was raised in a home that went to church every Sunday and every holiday and oh man, I was bored to tears. As I began to get older, I started realizing being bored wasn't the worst part, not by a long shot. People would blindly throw money in a basket without even realizing where it was going. The worst part to me, was that never once did anybody ask what it was going towards. For all they knew, it was going towards the Pastor's new Nokia 5110 cell phone. 

Reckless Spending

There are so many more useful things that the money could have gone towards; Little Jimmy's college fund, Aunt Margie's next Colonoscopy, or even just giving money to a homeless shelter; just to help people who can't afford the luxuries of literally throwing money away every Sunday. To me, doing this is extremely selfish. At this point, you're just "donating" money to keep yourself faithful and saved in the "Lord's" eyes. Most likely, you also feel guilty you didn't give money to that man sleeping under newspaper last week. I can't even begin to imagine how much money that congregation would have as a whole today, had they not thrown away money. 

Cut The Crap

I do not have a problem with people preaching their faith in private environments, but when you have a so called "Priest" promising everlasting afterlife without any proof, and people are blindly following him there is a problem. I don't understand why people can't have their ceremonies at their homes with a couple people. Why does there need to be a huge show put on every Sunday, when people can have gathering at their homes? If they would smarten up, think a little for themselves, and stop being controlled by senseless social "norms", then I think the world would be a better place. It would be less corrupt and less money hungry.

Specific Fraud Cases

There have been cases of church fraud all over the globe. Did you know that worldwide, churches lose $50 million a year to crime inside of the church? That's right everybody, people from inside the church steal their own money and the people in charge of the "books" know this. They see this happening, yet it isn't reported. Why isn't it reported you ask? They figure if they report it, people will realize what's happening, and when they see the truth, they will stop coming to the church and stop donating. So, next time they see Father Frankie on his off day walking about with his new Rolex, they know where that came from.

To Wrap Up

So basically, if you think about everything that was said, then you'll realize religion is solely based off getting money. They claim to be nonprofit, but how could they really be nonprofit when they steal from their "Sunday Donation Basket"? It's crazy to think that people could idly sit by and let this happen to their hard earned money. Sadly, most of the people who go to church give away their last dollar because they think it's going toward something to serve the greater good. They just don't realize that Tammy the Secretary just dipped into the church fund to buy herself a brand new pair of high heels. To be honest I think that churches are wrong for this and they should be held accountable for letting this happen. Anyway, that's enough for today, I'll see you guys in the next one 😊


Welcome To My New Blog!

Hello all! I apologize if this blog may be too short or too "blah". This just serves the purpose of letting everyone know what exactly this page is going to be about. I am not here to bash anybody's religious beliefs and I'm also not here to criticize ANYONE for any reason. I just feel like us, as an Atheist community, get looked down upon. We are ostracized from regular society because of our disbelief in deities.
I also personally cannot stand when religious people think it is okay to tell us how we should live. For most of us Atheists, we don't go around telling Catholics or Christians, (side note: who the hell knows the difference between those two?) Jews, Muslims, Satanists, etc., why THEY shouldn't believe in their deities! Upon searching the internet for different religions for future blogs, I came across a website that made me physically sick.
This website, which I will not link because I do not wish to give them any sick gratitude of getting viewers, compares Atheists to child molesters and people who perform acts of bestiality. This person uses grim details to talk down Atheists and make us out to be scum of the Earth. It sickens me to think people would start a website to spread such inaccuracy of a group of people, who are already nothing in a lot of people's eyes. If people of religion would sit down and LISTEN to Atheists instead of just assuming what we are, it would be such a better place for all of us. Honestly, I am PROUD to be an Atheist. When is the last time you ever heard of Atheists going to war because of religious beliefs? Never, and that's because Atheists have never gone to war because of religion. Some people argue that Hitler was an Atheist and that was why he had soldiers mercilessly kill so many innocent Jewish people in World War II. First and foremost, to all the people who think this is true, go read a history book. This evil degenerate was a Christian.
Anyway, I appreciate all the people who stuck through my first entry and I'll see you in the next one. Also, I have a Twitter account set up and I thank everyone who follows. Have a great day everybody 😊
